Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Finalised print

Taking into consideration the photoshoots and experiments I have created within this project and bringing each of the elements together,I decided to focus on one body issue, being my father’s as It was the most powerful one to myself; taking something so negative and personal  which he has tried to put across in a positive way.

I used the Solar Plate printing process to create a portrait print of him stood upright on his own, displayed next to another Solar Plate print of the distorted scanned image, positioned in the centre, followed by a lino cut of his body issue. All presented A5 size on an A1 length long strip of paper.
I only used black ink for the prints I created as I did not want any colour to distract the viewer away from the concept.
This outcome is more of a proposal as I would really like to carry the project on for the next module. I feel it represents my research in well rounded way but also shows how I am going to develop the other photoshoots I have produced.
I would even like to use another media for the next module as I have only worked with print within the past ten weeks, which has been a challenge as I had never used it previously.

Displayed below is the finalised print.



Monday, 26 November 2012

Spontaneous Distortion

To develop my photoshoots and instead of using a Print Process which I have previously used, I wanted to create an illusion through another photographic method.

As I researched Hannah Hoch and Takahiro Kimura within this project who look at distortion within their work, I wanted to create some of my own experiments.

To do this I printed off the original photographs of the features the subject was not happy with, which I then placed on to the scanner and moved whilst scanning. Each of the images were moved in different directions, which has created a unique disortion within each experiment.
I feel they represent a disorientated illusion which the subject could even be feeling about themselves and their own body. The idea relates to the concept in an unusual way.

Personally I think these images are particularly strong and have chosen these three out of around ten experiments. The feature has been captured and distorted in a very poweful way.


Continuing with the previous photographs - focusing on the subjects body issue and their features in particular.
Not everyone was comfortable with this, this is why there arent as many.
The whole comment or key words have been written in eye liner on to the body.


FAP 201

Body Issues
For my ‘negotiated practice’ module I decided I wanted to focus on Body Issues within Identity and find out why people want to look the way they do. I became interested in how an individual might feel about themselves within their own body and if they are confident about certain aspects or would like to change/ cover anything up about themselves. I thought this could involve plastic surgery or just simply by choosing particular clothes or even wearing makeup.

When having discussions with others, it made me realise that I am very self conscious myself and so are many other people in today’s society. I wondered whether it had anything to do with the media and how they try to portray people to look ‘perfect’ highlighting their slightest imperfections.
This could affect us in the way we feel about our own bodies and I personally feel I would like us all to be confident no matter how we look.

I started by photographing a subject individually but shot four photoshoots within one. Concentrating on them stood in an upright position looking straight on at the camera – this was looking at how one might perceive them, not knowing what is wrong with them and what their body issue is. Another shoot inspired by Gillian Wearing (signs), the subject had to hold up a sign which I had previously written their body issue comment on to, these are displayed below.
I feel each of these photographs are very powerful presented on their own and display the concept of my project in a posotive way.